Tree planting Campaign by Triple C Project in Kyebe Sub-County

Activity goals were:      

It was aimed at sensitizing the community about environmental conservation through tree planting.

It was also intended to increase publicity about the project Triple C in the communities of Kyebe sub-County.

The venue of event: Minziiro Parish Kyebe Sub-County

Date: 12/10/2022

The event involved Schools, St John Mary Muzeeyi Primary School, Kampangi Secondary School, Kampangi Health Centre 1V, CFM group members and the communities of Minziro. Other participants included, local leaders, Chairpersons, LC 1, II, III, church leaders, opinion leaders and Councilors. The main theme of the event was to promote tree planting among the communities and schools for environmental conservation. The chief guest from Mengo government planted the commemoration tree for the event and this followed planting 3300 trees by the communities, schools, and CFM group members. The chief guest encouraged the participants to be vigilant in conserving the environment and advising the parents to teach the children the importance of conserving the environment. The participants were trained on the benefits of tree planting in environmental conservation.

Post Written by: Prossy Kyagaba CFM/NFA focal person

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