About Us

Find out who we are as Caritas MADDO

Fr. Raphael SSemmanda ---Development coordinator Caritas MADDO
Fr. Peter Paul SSemakula --Assistant Development coordinator II
Fr Simon Peter Kamulegeya — Assistant Development coordinator I

Our Profile

Caritas MADDO (Masaka Diocesan Development Organisation) is a faith-based organization offering social services and development work in Masaka Diocese. It was started way back after the 1979 war with relief items to war victims. The offices were established in 1981. In 1988 MADDO was expounded to include development work besides social services with more technical staff. This same year (1988) it picked the name MADDO which was changed to Caritas MADDO in 2000 to promote the spirit of giving and receiving as related to love compassion and solidarity.

How we work

The Diocese and activities of Caritas MADDO cover 9 political districts of Kalangala, Rakai, Kyotera, Ssembabule, Masaka, Kalungu, Bukomansimbi, Lwengo and Lyantonde. Caritas MADDO enters the community through both civic and the church structures. The latter include the 58 parishes, which are grouped in eleven deaneries. Each level has a development committee which coordinates MADDO activities in the church parishes. Households are organized into groups to utilize their different gifts for better results.    

Caritas MADDO collaborates with the government ministries through the relevant departments (Agriculture, health, Water and Sanitation) in the nine districts that make up the Diocese.

Through the above structures Caritas MADDO commits herself to reach out to the Rural Poor in Masaka Diocese. These are people who cannot access the basic necessities of life namely; food, health, water and education.

Caritas MADDO interventions are demand driven focusing on the rural poor population enthusiastic to change their lives with minimal requirements to participate in the promoted programs. For instance, at least one acre of land (mainly agriculture beneficiaries), readiness to work in groups and to dedicate time for learning and implementing better production techniques.

Caritas MADDO Staff

Human Resource

To-date Caritas MADDO has a team of professionals in areas of social development, finance, agriculture, Health, Water and Sanitation. The organization uses a need-based approach, while being ethical and professional to deliver services to all categories of people despite their gender, religious affiliation ethnicity among others.


Communities in Masaka Diocese holistically developed and self-sustaining.

Overall objective: To improve the livelihoods of the people in Masaka Diocese, enhancing their education, agriculture, hygiene & sanitation and health and their economic status

  Strategic Objectives 2018-2023


  1. To improve household food security and income while conserving the environment.
  2. To contribute to the provision of sustainable and quality health services.
  3. To reduce water and sanitation related diseases or challenges.
  4. To improve the livelihood of vulnerable people by providing social, economic and protection services.


To build the capacity of community organizations for sustainable development in Masaka Diocese.


Core Values:

    • Commitment
    • Accountability
    • Respect for Human Dignity
    • Innovation
    • Team Work
    • Fairness
    • Professionalism

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